Aussieway Now Offers Stud Service!
Marley is AKC registered. He has a sweet temperament and loves everyone. He is outgoing and very intelligent. He is 49 lbs. and is 18 inches tall. He has a strong desire to please. He's always been a house dog and part of the family.
Tui is MDR1 N/N, PRCD -N, DNA/heath cleared and verified as 100% Australian shepherd. She has a loving laid-back temperament and is always ready for the next adventure. She is 24 lbs. And is 17 inches tall. She has a strong desire to please and incredibly intelligent. She is a house dog and part of the family.
At Aussieway Breeder, we are dedicated to breeding healthy and happy puppies. Our breeding program focuses on genetic health, temperament, and conformation to the breed standard. We take pride in our work and strive to produce puppies that will be a perfect fit for your family.
All of our puppies are raised in our home with love and care. They are exposed to different sounds and experiences to help them develop into confident and well-socialized puppies. We provide all necessary vaccinations and deworming before sending them to their new homes.
We are committed to breeding only healthy dogs that meet the breed standard. Our breeding dogs undergo genetic testing to ensure they are free of any hereditary diseases. We carefully select breeding pairs to produce puppies that will be healthy and have desirable traits.
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